
frequently asked questions

Student Competition Opportunities FAQ

What are 5 good reasons why you should enter a student competition?
1 Many of the competitions can be entered with work that you have already completed for either a class assignment or one of your own personal projects. Also, the competitions can be an inspiration for you to create a totally original work.

2 By going through the process of entering competitions, you will develop excellent professional skills, i.e.: following entry requirements, meeting deadlines, mounting or matting printed material and/or preparing digital files and finally properly packaging and mailing the final work.

3 Even if you are not selected as the “winner,” you will have created a portfolio-ready piece.

4 Entering competitions is a great addition to your resume.

5 You might just win a prize and receive recognition for your efforts!

Who sponsors the student competitions?
The sponsors include hardware and software manufactures, industry corporations, media studios and schools. Many corporations cosponsor the competitions with the Art Institute schools. In addition, some of the competitions are initiated in-house – exclusively for AiCA-SF students.

How can you be informed about all the student competition opportunities?
Check the website http://cb373.aisites.com each week for new competitions. You can also contact Gigi Gallenger, Director of Public Relations, ggallinger@aii.edu for Ai national competitions cosponsored by software companies.

How difficult is it to enter the Student Competitions?
The process to enter competitions range from “a snap” to extremely challenging. As the competition advisor, I can help you interpret entry requirements and will serve as a liaison with the sponsors to clarify any questions you or faculty may have about the competitions. Also, I can direct you to faculty in your area of study for additional support.

What are the odds for winning?
It is true that you can’t win if you don’t enter. However, the odds do vary considerably. The best chances are in-house school competitions or local contests directed specifically to Ai students. Other competitions have many more participants and are definitely more competitive. However, someone will win and it could be you!

Will entering a competition be expensive?
No. Unlike professional competitions, there are usually no fees for entering student competitions. There may be some minor expenses such as the costs for mounting work, outside printing services and shipping. In some cases the department director will have funds available to cover the competition costs. To be sure you can get reimbursed, always check with you department director in advance.

I forwarded a competition opportunity to you, why didn't it get posted?
Many times I receive notifications about competitions that are either past due or the deadline is less than a week away or the school does not have the designated software or hardware required to enter the competition. In those cases, it would not be appropriate to post the competition listing.



Carole R. Brown, Instructor, GD Department
The Art Institute of California-San Francisco

For competition support
and for information about the
Ai*Take*A*Chance Website
Contact: riovi@sbcglobal.net
Last updated: October 19, 2011